Well, its been a while since I posted a blog so I thought I would. I have weaned from 90mg, or 30x3 day to 20mg x1 a day. I feel deflated by 2pm, which is 6 hrs after my dose. I have no strength or energy to do anything. I hurt constantly, but except for needing help up and down and showering, I seem to be taking the weens better now. I found out last week that I can't drive without a high dose in me yet, and I still have nights I can't sleep.
But at least my appointment with Dr. Ludlum is a week away. I hope he hooks me up with some hormones. I have not regained any sexual urge since before surgery. And other Cushies tell me my growth hormone is probably low now too. But hopefully we will find out soon. I'm getting stir crazy so as the weather starts to cool in the morning (we wake up in the low 80s now) I have been trying to get the mail and will be trying to go for a "swim" in the pool, which is really just laying on a float or wading in the water until I exhaust myself. Keep us in your thoughts. It's time to lay down.The Weary Zebra