Today I am 17 Days out from surgery. Im beginning to have some 2nd and even 3rd thoughts about it. This is battling with the rational thought that I NEED this surgery. I just thought I would get some of these out.
Im afraid I might not make it through surgery.
Im afraid of giving myself injections. Im afraid of weening. Im afraid of being alone. Im afraid I will be a burden on my father-in-law. Im afraid no one will visit me, as is common with Cushing's. Im afraid my pituitary will never turn back on. Im afraid my adrenals wont ever work right again. Im afraid I wont know what to do with myself when I AM better. Im afraid of my life being so different afterwards. Im afraid nothing will happen. Im afraid the surgeon will sneeze during surgery. Im afraid an earthquake will strike during surgery. Im afraid of an electrical outage during surgery. Im afraid I wont be thought of. Im afraid.