Zebra Snippet #9: Cushing's Awareness Day


Yesterday was Cushing's Awareness Day. Never heard of it? Not surprising. Its not covered in the corporate media and as Cushing's is relatively unknown, so is its awareness day. Kind of ironic, right? As we find more and more about this disease, doctors are discovering that it is much more common than once thought. 1/5 the population, 20%, are said to have a pituitary tumor. That cant be normal. But the doctors of this country who are not researchers are going by what they were taught in school: It cant be a platypus because they are to rare! If you are reading this and you think you have ANY of the symptoms of Cushing's, please see a couple of doctors. And pass along our cause to others. The more we talk about this, the more we all will know. And knowing is half the battle.


The Weary Zebra

Posted via email from The weary Zebra: Zebra Snippets

Zebra Snippet #8: A Good Day


Saturday, I felt like junk. I was having GI issues all week. I couldn't eat because I was not digesting anything. But the cortisol made me hungry. Saturday, our small apartment was flooded with sewer backup. Our entire building was affected. I couldn't sit still during the film we went to. And I felt like a slug all day.
Sunday.... Sunday was wonderful. I didn't need a cane, I had an appetite to eat! I had enough energy to clean our apartment getting ready for our trip on the 18th. I paid for it Monday morning, but by Monday afternoon was ok too, I even replaced R2D2's headlights. Good thing I felt good too, because my wife has a stomach bug. So this morning, I decided to brand my droid. I added one last decal to the window. Its in the upper right hand corner. When they happen, days like Sunday and yesterday afternoon are Godsends. I cant thank God enough for them. The fallout can be bad, but I get so much done its worth it.

The Weary Zebra

Posted via email from The weary Zebra: Zebra Snippets